GEO5 software

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The frame "Settings" serves to specify standards or methods that are used to perform the analysis.

The "Analyses" tab allows the user to define the basic characteristics of the analysis to be carried out including the type of the problem and analysis, the method of calculating the initial stress (geostatic stress, Ko procedure) and available standards for concrete and steel structures.

The available problem (plane strain analysis, axial symmetry) and analysis (stress, slope stability, water flow, tunnels, consolidation, earthquake) types depend on the purchased configuration of the program.

Providing all modes are available we recommend to proceed with extreme caution when selecting the type analysis - more complex types require distinctively larger number of input data and may unnecessarily complicate the use of the program.

This frame also serves to select the method for calculating the initial stress in the first stage of construction - either standard calculation of geostatic stress or the Ko procedure.

It is also possible to select advanced program options, which are usually not necessary for common analysis.

Available advanced options:

  • Advanced mesh generating parameters
  • Advanced soil parameters
  • Advanced water flow parameters
  • Temperature load
  • Detailed results

Frame "Settings"

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